For most of October, my interwebz writing has been on Medium with my good friend Jennifer Foley (here and here), Director of Education and Community Engagement at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo. The last of the three exchanges of letters went live today, October 24, so check it out! (You can go straight to the newest letters here, or the second exchange of letters here).
Where museum practice meets the wordy road (image CC-zero license via Pixabay)
We're writing about "Sticky Words," the contentious kernels of so many current arguments in museum practice. The format is an exchange of letters, hence the Medium publication's moniker, A Series of Epistolary Romances. Jennifer and I are thrilled to be joining pairs of excellent museum professionals who've already contributed to the publication: Bruce Wyman and Daniel Meyers, Rachel Ropeik and John Gordy, Lesley Kadish and Ed Rodley, Jeffrey Inscho and Beck Tench, and in a currently-ongoing series, Nikhil Trivedi and Suse Cairns. (Medium only credits a single author at the top of an article, but don't be fooled, these are very much duets.)
As please keep commenting on Medium or tweet us back with your thoughts on the museum-field language that gets in your grill. And, as always, thanks for reading!
I'll have new posts in November. See you then.