Museums Must Pivot Back to People
Museums have been pivoting to post-normal workplaces. What else are they pivoting to?
I, Jargoneer
Museum workers are done with buzzwords. So how do we move from words to real impact?
Going Rogue, Revisited
Is ignoring the org structure the best way to make change or just more safe, performative rebellion?
Normal, Disrupted
What normal are all of us in museums—leaders, workers—trying to get back to? Is there a better "no-normal" out there?
Museum Leadership for the Rest of Us
Is it time to stop looking for leaders to guide us out of this pestilential age—and start looking to networks of people to rise to the challenge?
Agile for What?
The museum sector has been talking for years about the need for agility. But just what are we trying to be agile for?
How Museums Can Really Have Engaged Employees
Surveys on museum employee engagement are now commonplace. But real engagement comes from accountability, and that starts with respect for all staff.
The Museum at the End of the World: 2001, An Organizational Culture Odyssey
Let's look at the classic movie 2001: A Space Odyssey—for the meetings.
The Not-So-Fine Art of Being Wrong in Museums
Changing your mind? Open to opinions? The museum field doesn't seem to value I-don't-know-it-alls.
The Burnout Dilemma
Is burnout in the museum field something particular to the sector, or just another expression of the rotten Matrix? And which do we tackle first?
Is MCN now the Museum Change Network?
The Museum Computer Network 2017 conference was heavy on change, leadership, and navigating the org chart. Have we entered a "post-digital" era of "always be changing" in museum technology?
Can the Museum Workplace Be More Human?
Two intense, long, emotional days at the personal-authenticity-and-development end of the organizational culture spectrum.