Links of the Week: July 21, 2023: Quarter Dump

The jury is still out on the future of workplaces.

Checking out Museum Human's Second Quarter of 2023

The second quarter of the year was a time for Museum Human to up its interview game.

Looking Back on Museum Human's First Quarter of 2023

It was easier than I thought to get back to twice-weekly posting, but is that all there is?

Links of the Week: March 3, 2023: Minding the Gaps

Sometimes it's what's missing that defines our workplaces.

The War of All Against All: Review of The Persuaders, part 2

The callout culture around callout culture only feeds into the War of All Against All.

Are We Listening? Review of The Persuaders, Part 1

A new book calls out callout culture, but does it practice the deep listening it advocates?

What I've Been Reading, Watching, and Listening to Lately

These media have a lot of messages

Links of the Week: July 29, 2022: Going Deep

When a story is ending, what needs to changeā€”the story or the storytellers?

The Dawn of a New Org Culture?

More thoughts about The Dawn of Everything and lessons it holds for museum org culture

We Need to Complicate Our Narratives of Progress

A new book questions the progress narrative of Western civilization, and museum workers should take note.

Beyond Remote Work: A Review of Out of Office

A book on remote and hybrid workplaces quickly pivots to the place of work in our lives.

Museum Human's First Quarter 2022 Review

How has the first quarter of 2022 gone according to plan for Museum Human?

The Museum at the End of the World: "I Didn't Mean It Literally" Edition

What should museums do in the apocalypse? Stop talking about leadership, realism, and the new normal, to start.

Introducing Museum Human's Reading List on Organizational Culture for Cultural Organizations

Part One of this exclusive list of books and magazines on org culture and museums focuses on writing about and from museum professionals.

Hey, Cultural Sector, Agile This

We overuse the term Agile in the organizational lexicon. A recent workshop explored a people-centered path to agile workplaces in the cultural sector.