Do Museums Need to Go Bigger Than Just Minimally Viable?

Is there such a thing as too many MVPs?

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

People's Goals and Progress Space—A Chat with Kyle Bowen of Museums As Progress

Instead of obsessing about institutional growth, museums should think more about people's progress.

The Personalization Dilemma and the AI Temptation for Museums

In aiming for personalized storytelling for every visitor, have museums created a task that only AI can possibly solve?

Links of the Week: August 11, 2023: Storytelling and Change

Like everything best in an organization, storytelling is a practice, not a one-off product.

Storytelling with Clarity and Confidence: an Interview with Abhay Adhikari

An open-minded and multi-disciplinary approach is making Digital Identities more than just technology.

Links of the Week: July 21, 2023: Quarter Dump

The jury is still out on the future of workplaces.

Are We Listening? Review of The Persuaders, Part 1

A new book calls out callout culture, but does it practice the deep listening it advocates?

The Illusion of Certainty in the Museum Field Has to End

Museums—and the western business model—are obsessed with certainty. Is there another path?

Thoughts on One Month of Regular Tweeting

I was once an occasional tweeter. This year, I resolved to share every day about museum org culture. Here's how Month One went.

Art Book Digital Publishing: Hopelessly Lost, Making Excellent Time

Have we moved past the search for the one digital art book format to rule them all?

Text and the Future of Museum Content

Is anyone reading museum wall labels—and if so, retaining what they're reading—any more?

Beyond the Battle between Print and Digital books

It feels like the battle between print and digital for the future of publishing is over. Did someone actually win?