Social Justice
Links of the Week: July 21, 2023: Quarter Dump
The jury is still out on the future of workplaces.
Robert J Weisberg
The War of All Against All: Review of The Persuaders, part 2
The callout culture around callout culture only feeds into the War of All Against All.
Robert J Weisberg
Are We Listening? Review of The Persuaders, Part 1
A new book calls out callout culture, but does it practice the deep listening it advocates?
Robert J Weisberg
Links of the Week: January 27, 2023: Rights and Royalties
You can tell a lot about a society by what it values.
Robert J Weisberg
Links of the Week: January 13, 2023: All the Pretty Trojan Horses
We laugh off some spectacles and collapses to our peril
Robert J Weisberg
Changing Museum Overwork Culture and More
Can lessons used in changing overwork behaviors be applied to larger societal issues?
Robert J Weisberg
Is there a "Museum Left"?
What does it mean to be a radical museum worker?
Robert J Weisberg
Museums in a World Moving Past Crisis to Collapse
It's worse.
Robert J Weisberg
Co-Creation Requires a Museum Field Re-Creation
More museums are co-creating, but a deep and widespread practice will require a new org culture.
Robert J Weisberg
Links of the Week: May 13, 2021: Ace off Base
What does the internal turmoil at a small software company have to do with museum org culture? Read on.
Robert J Weisberg
Antiracism and Museum Organizational Culture
Antiracism isn't simply an action plan. For museums, that means rebuilding their own structure and culture into something new.
Robert J Weisberg
The Capitalism Conundrum for Museum Workers
Is there another way for the museum sector besides all-encompassing capitalism? Thoughts on week two of MCN 2020.
Robert J Weisberg
Museums in an Age of Redux
A look back at a post from four years ago—are museums any more ready to resist authoritarianism, even in their own org culture?
Robert J Weisberg
The Museum at the End of the World: "I Didn't Mean It Literally" Edition
What should museums do in the apocalypse? Stop talking about leadership, realism, and the new normal, to start.
Robert J Weisberg
The Schrödinger's Career of Working in Museums
Museum workers are calling out the contradictions of their institutions and the field. Are museums—and workers—ready for the changes required?