Links of the Week: January 31, 2025: The Year that Was, The Year that Is

Let's start off the year in links with a pile from last year.

Links of the Week: November 26, 2024: Looking Back to Look Ahead, Post-Election Edition

What's keeping us from learning anything from recent events?

After the App Is Gone: Museum-Field Conversation Post Bird

Museum professionals are despairing about conversations without a certain social media platform. But is the issue bigger than just one app?

In Search of the Counterintuitive: A Review of At Work in the Ruins and Museum Magazine's Issue on Convergence

Do we need more of the unexpected and surprising in our polarized world?

A Review of Bootstrapped and a Webinar on Worker Self-Directed Nonprofits

Organizations too often believe the twin myths of individual self-reliance and worker disempowerment.

Links of the Week: June 28, 2024: Project Manage This

Museums are ignoring the need for skills and culture as they rush towards a future they define in strategic plans.

The Trust Problem for Museums Doesn't Start with the Public

Museums say they're among the most trusted institutions in society. What happens when that isn't the case internally?

The Mindset to Matter: A Review of Why Museums Matter and Videogames and the Public Museum

Are museum leaders and workers speaking languages too different for institutions to thrive?

How Can Different Groups in the Museum Agree on Impact?

Museums—and their departments and workers—are increasingly concerned about impact beyond the institution. But can museums have impact externally when they may not agree on just what it means—or how to get there—internally?

The Story of Technological Progress is Not a Given: A Review of Power and Progress

The cultural sector has to change its ideas about progress and technology.

Tough Love for the DEI Industry: A Review of DEI Deconstructed

A 2022 book has a damning analysis of why DEI hasn't worked so far—and how understanding org culture better is the first step to real change.

Links of the Week: December 15, 2023: Collapsagideon Time

Is there room for different approaches to—or even understandings of—societal collapse?

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

A Museum Human Manifesto

Manifestos aren't just for rebellions (or maybe they are).

Links of the Week: August 4, 2023: The Belonging Museum

Adding belonging to DEIA is a first step, but transformation runs deeper.