With AI, to Throwdown™ or Not Throwdown™ is the Question

AI either has tons of use cases or is all hype. Can museums figure out which—or both—and learn something more profound about their organizations?

Links of the Week: June 14, 2024: The AI-Age Museum Career

Technology for museums is about more than AI (though AIs probably would disagree).

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

Links of the Week: October 13, 2023: The Business of AI

The business world can't stop thinking about AI. That's good for the hyperati, but what about the rest of us?

Storytelling with Clarity and Confidence: an Interview with Abhay Adhikari

An open-minded and multi-disciplinary approach is making Digital Identities more than just technology.

The Museum Doctors: Interview with Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell of Cultural Inquiry

What if museums didn't just listen to children and communities, but did what they were told?

AI, ChatGPT, and Museum Work

The questions for museum workers about AI shouldn't be what to use it for, but who will use it and why.

Links of the Week: March 3, 2023: Minding the Gaps

Sometimes it's what's missing that defines our workplaces.

Links of the Week: February 3, 2023: One Month In

Do museum workers pay enough attention to goals, planning, and trends?

Links of the Week: May 20, 2022: Grabbing the Remote

Remote work is only one element of respectful workplaces. What are some others?

The "Cultural Translation" Burden in Museum Work

Is the fine art of cultural translation another organizational trap for museum workers?

Links of the Week: February 11, 2022: Let This Be Your Last Fake News

All the news that isn't can come from anywhere.

Museum digital for the rest of us

Has org culture in museums caught up to everything that "digital" can mean?