Links of the Week: October 29, 2021: Museum Field Scares

The museum field is full of fear, and not the fun kind.

What Is "Org Culture" in Museums, Anyway?

Defining organizational culture in cultural organizations can be difficult, which is both its challenge and its potential.

Collaboration, Revisited

Will hybrid workplaces in museums bring some progress in the collaboration conundrum?

Co-Creation Requires a Museum Field Re-Creation

More museums are co-creating, but a deep and widespread practice will require a new org culture.

Links of the Week: June 3, 2021: Museums, Docs, and AI

Museums are reopening, but are they ready for tough questions about purpose, membership, and AI?

TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 4: Resources

This four-part series ends with Resources—can museums move past scarcity to abundance for their workers and orgs?

TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 3: People

A four-part series continues with the place of people in the museum field. It's not as obvious as you think.

TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 2: Money

A four-part series continues with the relationship of museum workers and their institutions to money and value.

TMPR: A New Acronym for Museum Workers (Part 1: Time)

The first in a series of four posts about Time, Money, People, and Resources in museum work and in museum workers' lives.

Busyness, Revisited

The cult of busyness is the museum field's daily expression of weaponized and exploited time.

How to Make Museum Work Flexible, not Fauxible

Flexible work is not just schedules and policies. It's roles, skills, mindsets, and more. Otherwise it's fake flexibility: fauxibility.

Against the Museum Smartocracy

Museums aren't just meritocracies. They are organizations that identify with smarts above all else. (Yes, even money.)

What a Recent Symposium Says about Museum Democracy

Is it time for a museum-field symposium for the rest of us?

Museum Human's Top Five Themes of 2020

What throughlines did Museum Human's posts traverse over the course of the year?

Museums Must Pivot Back to People

Museums have been pivoting to post-normal workplaces. What else are they pivoting to?