Links of the Week: May 13, 2022: Change Like You Mean It

Whose change? And changing into what? What does change mean for museum workers?

Links of the Week: May 6, 2022: Museums and More

Museums may not get enough attention in this economy—but they may be important canaries in the coal mine.

Links of the Week: April 29, 2022: Work That Work Media

Can a blog about museum workplaces have too much about work?

Links of the Week: April 22, 2022: Museum Field Hot Takes

Museum professionals have no shortage of hot takes about the field

Links of the Week: April 15, 2022: Elite Is As Elite Does

How elite is the museum field, anyway?

Links of the Week: April 8, 2022: The Collaboratorium

Workers have been told that they need to collaborate better. But is that missing the point?

Links of the Week: April 1, 2022: The Center Cannot Hold

Organizations are too often centered on leaders. How can museums shift to centering the humanity of everyone?

Links of the Week: March 25, 2022: AI yai yai …

Artificial intelligence is supposed to do everything, but should AI do anything without people taking the lead?

Links of the Week: March 18, 2022: Stay NiFTy

Warnings about NFTs can't keep pace with the buzz to join in. What should museums do?

Links of the Week: March 11, 2022: Bury the Lead

Leadership is always considered top-and-center. It should be everywhere.

Links of the Week: March 4, 2022: Hybrid Horror

Discussions of hybrid and remote work have given way to the horror that we've found a substitute normal.

Links of the Week: February 25, 2022: Financialize This

Museums and their workers should avoid financialization in this desperate economy.

Links of the Week: February 18, 2022: Org Culture War

The org culture war in museums isn't just new vs old, but changing into the new or changing back into the old.

Links of the Week: February 11, 2022: Let This Be Your Last Fake News

All the news that isn't can come from anywhere.

Links of the Week: February 4, 2022: the Non-Fungible Mind

If mindfulness is the art of noticing, then NFTs are the new noticing of art.