Links of the Week: January 31, 2025: The Year that Was, The Year that Is

Let's start off the year in links with a pile from last year.

Links of the Week: November 26, 2024: Looking Back to Look Ahead, Post-Election Edition

What's keeping us from learning anything from recent events?

Links of the Week: October 25, 2024: All Museums, All the Time (part 2)

Here's the second part of Museum Human's largest group yet of museum-focused links.

Links of the Week: October 18, 2024: All Museums, All the Time (part 1)

We've got the first part of a big pile of museum-related links this week.

Links of the Week: October 4, 2024: Imagining and Building Something New

We're having trouble communicating. Is that a feature or fault of modern life?

Links of the Week: September 20, 2024: AI Eats the Museum Thoughtspace

AI bring new value to the joke "everyone talks about the weather but no one does anything about it."

Links of the Week: August 19, 2024: Access and Adaptation

Museums and workers can't wait around for there to be time and money for fairness and justice.

Links of the Week: August 9, 2024: What Were You Expecting?

Are museums and their workers still capable of being surprised?

Links of the Week: July 26, 2024: Accessibility and AI

Museums know the problem with accessibility is one of time and resource allocation—are they hoping to skip the work with AI?

Links of the Week: July 12, 2024: The Workplace Evolution

Are we being honest about museum org culture problems?

Links of the Week: June 28, 2024: Project Manage This

Museums are ignoring the need for skills and culture as they rush towards a future they define in strategic plans.

Links of the Week: June 21, 2024: Trust Busting or Trust Building?

Museums can't preach trust in society without enacting it internally.

Links of the Week: June 14, 2024: The AI-Age Museum Career

Technology for museums is about more than AI (though AIs probably would disagree).