Do Museums Need to Go Bigger Than Just Minimally Viable?
Is there such a thing as too many MVPs?
Links of the Week
Links of the Week: October 25, 2024: All Museums, All the Time (part 2)
Here's the second part of Museum Human's largest group yet of museum-focused links.
Artificial Intelligence
The "fAIt" Accompli of AI in Museums
Is the rush to AI obscuring a dangerous techno-solutionism in museums?
Links of the Week
Links of the Week: July 12, 2024: The Workplace Evolution
Are we being honest about museum org culture problems?
In Search of Sustainable Strategy for Museums: An Interview with Uma Nair
What is the relationship between skilled project management and sustainable museum strategy?
Links of the Week
Links of the Week: June 7, 2024: Days at the Museum
Museums can't find the answers unless they widen their view of who gets to ask the questions.
Links of the Week
Links of the Week: May 3, 2024: Deep Impact
Impact is what museums do and alignment is how they do it.