Museum Human Plans—and Plans within Plans—for 2025

When things change, so can we—while also remembering what's important to us.

Do Museums Need to Go Bigger Than Just Minimally Viable?

Is there such a thing as too many MVPs?

Links of the Week: October 4, 2024: Imagining and Building Something New

We're having trouble communicating. Is that a feature or fault of modern life?

After the App Is Gone: Museum-Field Conversation Post Bird

Museum professionals are despairing about conversations without a certain social media platform. But is the issue bigger than just one app?

Links of the Week: August 9, 2024: What Were You Expecting?

Are museums and their workers still capable of being surprised?

Links of the Week: July 12, 2024: The Workplace Evolution

Are we being honest about museum org culture problems?

Links of the Week: May 31, 2024: Think about the Future

Museums as institutions don't collectively ponder their futures enough.

Report from the Future: A Design Fiction Tale by Isabella Bruno

Where our researcher presents findings from an initial time travel mission.

Links of the Week: April 12, 2024: Innovation Station

Innovation is a practice, which is part of the problem but all of the opportunity.

Links of the Week: March 22, 2024: A Map to Buried Treasure?

Half of any good map is the process of making your own.

Links of the Week: March 15, 2024: The Ides of Change

Change isn't as simple as one event.

Links of the Week: March 1, 2024: Futures and Presents, Perfect and Imperfect

Speculative fiction only works if we understand our past and present.

Introducing the Museum in the Future Project

Museum Human launches a new short speculative fiction series about museums in the future.

The View from Up There: a Review of The Future of the Museum: 28 Dialogues by András Szántó

A 2020 leader-focused book on the future of museums is more than meets the eye.

Complexity, Simplicity, and Collapse, Part 3: You Are Here

Museums use hierarchy to deal with complexity, but confronting collapse requires something else.