Personality Types, Personas, and Uncertainty in Museum Work

Personality tests and personas come from the same organizational obsession with absolute certainty.

The End of the Museum Worker Silent Majority?

The return-to-workplace push may finally expose the cost of worker silence in museums.

Collaboration, Revisited

Will hybrid workplaces in museums bring some progress in the collaboration conundrum?

Co-Creation Requires a Museum Field Re-Creation

More museums are co-creating, but a deep and widespread practice will require a new org culture.

Can Internal Competition Make for Better Museums?

A new wave of corporate entities are functioning like internal markets. Could it work for museums?

Do We Need Museum Collectives?

Can the exceptionalist museum field move in a collaborative, networked direction?

Is a Different Museum Org a Work of Fiction?

Everyone's asking questions about what a museum should be. Can we change what museums will be?

How to Fix Professional Development Classes in Museums

A broken museum model has made staff learning a failure. It's time to put workers in charge for a change.

Links of the Week (4/6/16)

Those of us in nonprofits and/or cultural institutions groan/roll eyes at the idea of a "personal brand," but what's so wrong about having an idea of yourself and where you want to be?

Discuss: Collaboration and Silos (3/25/16)

Collaborating our way out of workplace silos is all the rage … or is it? What are some responses to the collaboration conundrum?