Embracing a Change Mindset in Museums: From Scarcity to Strategy—A Guest Post by Uma Nair
How do museums—and workers—strike a balance between meaningful impact and public praise?
Links of the Week: March 15, 2024: The Ides of Change
Change isn't as simple as one event.
What if We Act as if We Love the Future? An Interview with Mike Murawski
How do we stay hopeful while doing the hard work of organizational change?
Links of the Week: November 10, 2023: Not My Problem, Give Me Some
Are museum workers ready to help society confront hard choices?
Links of the Week: September 15, 2023: Autumn of our Innovation Discontent
Change is almost always defined by leaders—can we think bigger?
Better to be a Nosider than an Insider or an Outsider (part 2)
The obsession with inside and outside is only reinforcing the hierarchy.
Links of the Week: June 30, 2023: The Inside and the Outside
Much of change management is about balancing the inside and outside aspects of org culture.
Links of the Week: June 23, 2023: The Best Offense is a Good Defense?
Getting defensive at work isn't great—but remember that toxic workplaces started it.
Links of the Week: June 16, 2023: A Manifesto for Change
Change is a wide topic but the choices that start it can be surprisingly narrow—and that's a good thing.
Shrug Culture: Innovation, Help, and Sharing in Museums
All too often, one worker's innovation is another worker's meh.
Links of the Week: February 3, 2023: One Month In
Do museum workers pay enough attention to goals, planning, and trends?
Links of the Week: July 22, 2022: What Vibrations?
Some leaders think the Great Resignation is caused by bad vibes. It's more than that.