Do Museums Need to Go Bigger Than Just Minimally Viable?

Is there such a thing as too many MVPs?

A Review of Bootstrapped and a Webinar on Worker Self-Directed Nonprofits

Organizations too often believe the twin myths of individual self-reliance and worker disempowerment.

Links of the Week: June 14, 2024: The AI-Age Museum Career

Technology for museums is about more than AI (though AIs probably would disagree).

The Mindset to Matter: A Review of Why Museums Matter and Videogames and the Public Museum

Are museum leaders and workers speaking languages too different for institutions to thrive?

Links of the Week: May 31, 2024: Think about the Future

Museums as institutions don't collectively ponder their futures enough.

Links of the Week: May 24, 2024: This Deal Is Getting Worse All the Time

Has the new buzzword for being trapped in a platform finally come for the museum field?

Links of the Week: May 10, 2024: Ungrowth

Limits and rifts are everywhere—we've only chosen to ignore them in the name of capitalist growth.

Limits and Rifts: A Review of Post Growth and Marx in the Anthropocene

We obsess about growth but do we think enough about limits?

The Story of Technological Progress is Not a Given: A Review of Power and Progress

The cultural sector has to change its ideas about progress and technology.

Links of the Week: March 15, 2024: The Ides of Change

Change isn't as simple as one event.

Links of the Week: December 15, 2023: Collapsagideon Time

Is there room for different approaches to—or even understandings of—societal collapse?

Links of the Week: October 13, 2023: The Business of AI

The business world can't stop thinking about AI. That's good for the hyperati, but what about the rest of us?

Links of the Week: July 28, 2023: Capital Crimes

We're up to here with capitalism. Can we breathe without it?

Museums and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century

You make more money from money than from growth—or income. And this should matter to museum workers.

AI is NOT Coming for Your Museum Job (but Someone Else May Be)—Part 2

Who will decide how AI helps—or replaces—museum work?