Is There a "Joy Division" in Facing the World's Problems? A Review of Hospicing Modernity and What If We Get It Right?
Two recent books approach climate and societal collapse from different sides of the apparent doomer/hoptimism divide—with a side question of joyfulness.
Do Museums Need to Go Bigger Than Just Minimally Viable?
Is there such a thing as too many MVPs?
Links of the Week: December 1, 2023: We Can't Grow Our Way Out of This
Climate and societal collapse need to be viewed as a beginning, not an end.
Complexity, Simplicity, and Collapse, Part 1: A Review of Museums and Societal Collapse
A short book with a simple message brings in much about a complex world.
Asking Museums and Workers Why, What, and for Whom? An Interview with Robert R. (Bob) Janes
A longtime museum leader, scholar, and activist says that it's time for museums and their workers to ask hard questions of themselves and their institutions.
Making Sustainability Sustainable for Museums: an Interview with Caitlin Southwick
Sustainability for museums is a cross-disciplinary mindset.
Links of the Week: July 29, 2022: Going Deep
When a story is ending, what needs to change—the story or the storytellers?
Links of the Week: July 22, 2022: What Vibrations?
Some leaders think the Great Resignation is caused by bad vibes. It's more than that.
The Dawn of a New Org Culture?
More thoughts about The Dawn of Everything and lessons it holds for museum org culture