Is the Fall of the Museum Workplace a Matter of Time?
Is 2024 the year that museum work stops making sense, for good?
Links of the Week: January 12, 2024: Blood in the System
Discussions about technology are about so much more than machines.
Museum Luddites, Revisited: A Review of Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant
A new book connect the Luddite uprising of the 1810s to current tech-directed work.
Links of the Week: January 5, 2024: Digging in the Link Pile, part 3
We finish up a three-week link dump with AI and decision-making.
What Might Be in Store for Museum Human in 2024
Museum Human considers paid-tier and discoverability dilemmas, among others.
Links of the Week: December 29, 2023: Digging in the Link Pile, part 2 (and finding AI)
AI was clearly the term of the year—check out some links to see how it played out.
The Top Museum Human Themes of 2023
What did readers get in 105 posts of Museum Human this year?
Links of the Week: December 22, 2023: Digging in the Link Pile, part 1
There's no shortage of articles about AI, so we'll start with anything but.
The Top Museum Human Posts of 2023
Museum Human readers in 2023 enjoyed interviews almost as much as reading about quiet quitting.
Complexity, Simplicity, and Collapse, Part 3: You Are Here
Museums use hierarchy to deal with complexity, but confronting collapse requires something else.
Links of the Week: December 8, 2023: Museum Preppers Edition
Optimists and pessimists, like people on many opposite sides, have more in common than they think.
Complexity, Simplicity, and Collapse, Part 2: Vibepocalyse Now
Is facing up to our dire reality really just a matter of vibes?
Links of the Week: December 1, 2023: We Can't Grow Our Way Out of This
Climate and societal collapse need to be viewed as a beginning, not an end.
Complexity, Simplicity, and Collapse, Part 1: A Review of Museums and Societal Collapse
A short book with a simple message brings in much about a complex world.