Links of the Week (2/18/16)

Articles on museum trends, workplace exhaustion, and "peak content."

The Hater Bell Curve

Does your organization lean towards haterism? Is it even more pronounced in museums?

Was 2015 the Year that Print Fought Back?

Did print stage a turnaround? Did people get tired of ebooks? Or is this all just PR?

Reading the Museum CODE

Many different takes on what technology has done and still can do to and for museums—a lively conversation in book form.

And now, we begin …

A site about working in a museum.

Discuss (1/20/16): Museums and Branding

Many museums are rethinking their brand—no matter how many staff think the very idea of a brand is gross and corporate.

Design [Thinking] Your Museum—an Interview with Dana Mitroff Silvers

A pioneer in applying Design Thinking to museums and other cultural institutions talks about change and evolution in museums.

Links of the Week (1/18/16)

Some useful articles on digital journalism, valuing one's time, and spaceflight.

10 points about the Amazon workplace "debate"

What discussions about Amazon as a workplace say about the larger world of work.

10 Thoughts from Museum Computer Network 2015 Conference

My favorite museum technology conference covered data, publishing, "friend-tor-ing," and starting little insurrections.