Links of the Week: May 20, 2021: Reflections of …
A couple of people—and orgs—I follow have been in a remembering mood.
TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 4: Resources
This four-part series ends with Resources—can museums move past scarcity to abundance for their workers and orgs?
TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 3: People
A four-part series continues with the place of people in the museum field. It's not as obvious as you think.
Links of the Week: May 6, 2021: Hybrid Theory
It's time to tackle hybrid work in museums. At least museums are skilled at quick problem solving, right?
TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 2: Money
A four-part series continues with the relationship of museum workers and their institutions to money and value.
Links of the Week: April 29, 2021: Curiosity and Capitalism
Curiosity is one of the most important traits to encourage—and it may be the key to anticapitalism in our museum org culture.
TMPR: A New Acronym for Museum Workers (Part 1: Time)
The first in a series of four posts about Time, Money, People, and Resources in museum work and in museum workers' lives.
Links of the Week: April 22, 2021: What's Really Tiring …
After the Minneapolis guilty verdicts earlier this week, here are some links about exhaustion.
Museum Org Culture Is Causing a Mental Health Crisis
Museums make mental health resources available to workers but ignore how their own org culture contributes to the problem.
Museums Can't End Projects Without a Map
Museums have no problem starting new work. Why is ending old work so difficult to get right?
Links of the Week: April 13, 2021: Chain of Fools
Museum workers in tech areas of the field have been hearing about the blockchain for years. Who knew it would get all monetizey?
Links of the Week: April 6, 2021: Lies o' The Times ...
What destructive stories are we in the museum field told—by others and ourselves?
Deaccessioning and Museum Organizational Culture
What does the deaccessioning controversy reveal about the place of museum workers in the organization?