Links of the Week: July 22, 2022: What Vibrations?
Some leaders think the Great Resignation is caused by bad vibes. It's more than that.
Links of the Week: July 15, 2022: (Northern) Summer Grab Bag
Here are some links on mission creep, DEIA, crypto, and burnout.
Links of the Week: June 24, 2022: The Commons
Strategy and democracy are all part of the debate over the museum commons.
The Dawn of a New Org Culture?
More thoughts about The Dawn of Everything and lessons it holds for museum org culture
Links of the Week: June 17, 2022: Do the Contradiction
Remote/hybrid work contradictions are a sign of how far museum workplaces have to go.
We Need to Complicate Our Narratives of Progress
A new book questions the progress narrative of Western civilization, and museum workers should take note.
Links of the Week: June 10, 2022: the Human Touch
It's too easy to forget the people behind various processes—especially when it's us.
The Other Side of Rogue in Museum Org Culture
Can museum workers respectfully and humanely balance accountability and experimentation?
Links of the Week: June 3, 2022: Crypto Island
Museum workers should pay attention to the recent crypto turbulence—the field doesn't need this instability right now.
"Severance" and Museum Org Culture
The most recent show about work/life (im)balance has some lessons about org culture in the museum field.
Links of the Week: May 27, 2022: Culture Fit
As the Great Exhaustion continues apace, can museum workers get past cultural tyrannies?
The Museum Overwork Dilemma—Us or Them?
We've met the museum overwork enemy—but is it us? Join a co-hosted conversation on June 9 to talk it out.
Links of the Week: May 20, 2022: Grabbing the Remote
Remote work is only one element of respectful workplaces. What are some others?
Are We Approaching Museum Org Culture All Wrong?
What if we're approaching museum org culture backward?