Links of the Week: March 10, 2023: Chatting Ourselves to Death?

Everyone's got an opinion about chatbots, but is anyone doing anything about them?

AI, ChatGPT, and Museum Work

The questions for museum workers about AI shouldn't be what to use it for, but who will use it and why.

Links of the Week: March 3, 2023: Minding the Gaps

Sometimes it's what's missing that defines our workplaces.

Can Emergent Skills Save the Museum Sector? A chat with Dr. Lauren Vargas

Museums say they want better community relationships but need better emergent skills first.

Links of the Week: February 24, 2023: Getting Back to Museums

Museums and their workers have a world full of problems to deal with.

The War of All Against All: Review of The Persuaders, part 2

The callout culture around callout culture only feeds into the War of All Against All.

Links of the Week: February 17, 2023: Love Your Job or Else

We're told to find joy in our work. But what if we just need to face reality?

Are We Listening? Review of The Persuaders, Part 1

A new book calls out callout culture, but does it practice the deep listening it advocates?

Links of the Week: February 10, 2023: Tech and friends

Tech was supposed to make the world safe for everything, but it's mostly been good for corporate profits so far.

The Great/Quiet/Remote Workplace Feedback Loop

The Great Resignation and quiet quitting feed on each other. It all starts with remote/hybrid work practices.

Links of the Week: February 3, 2023: One Month In

Do museum workers pay enough attention to goals, planning, and trends?

Can Museums Respond to the Remote/Hybrid Challenge?

If resigning is Great and quitting is Quiet, what does that make remote and hybrid work?

Links of the Week: January 27, 2023: Rights and Royalties

You can tell a lot about a society by what it values.

Quiet Quitting in Museums is More than Just Taking It Easy

Quiet quitting is a journey of worker self-worth and one that museums have to take very seriously.

Links of the Week: January 20, 2023: Ready to Learn?

Can organizations learn how to be better throughout?