Robert J Weisberg
I work on a bit of everything in museum content. I find human solutions to tech problems. I geek out on workflow. No, really. I learn and teach and write everything down.
The Mindfulness Dilemma for Museums
Can a practice dedicated to being in the present moment help when museums fetishize the past while cannibalizing their future?
Museums and the Three Crises
What kind of org culture must a museum have to fight the interconnected crises of racism, climate collapse, and fascism?
Is a Different Museum Org a Work of Fiction?
Everyone's asking questions about what a museum should be. Can we change what museums will be?
How to Fix Professional Development Classes in Museums
A broken museum model has made staff learning a failure. It's time to put workers in charge for a change.
How Does Hope in Museums Turn into Action?
Hope can lead to transformation—are museums ready to support their workers in the days ahead?
I, Jargoneer
Museum workers are done with buzzwords. So how do we move from words to real impact?
The Museum Field's Twin Obsessions with Scarcity and Growth
Museums are addicted to institutional growth but precarity for their people.
What Museums Mean by Transparency
"Transparency" joins the performative hit parade in museum organizational culture.
Going Rogue, Revisited
Is ignoring the org structure the best way to make change or just more safe, performative rebellion?
The Current Museum Model Has to Die
A new unconference series demands Death to (the institutional failures of) Museums.
Digital Museum Publishing is Still Trying in 2020
In a pandemic world, is digital publishing an answer for museums—or the same problem in different packaging?
Normal, Disrupted
What normal are all of us in museums—leaders, workers—trying to get back to? Is there a better "no-normal" out there?