Robert J Weisberg

I work on a bit of everything in museum content. I find human solutions to tech problems. I geek out on workflow. No, really. I learn and teach and write everything down.

Links of the Week: June 24, 2021: After Juneteenth

Museums' belief in an unchangeable model is blocking the hard work of addressing institutional racism.

Agency and Autonomy in Museums

Autonomy and agency are the internal and external forms of self-actualization that all museum workers need.

Links of the Week: June 17, 2021: Mindsets, revisited

Museums are full of mindsets, like most organizations. What behaviors are being excused?

Collaboration, Revisited

Will hybrid workplaces in museums bring some progress in the collaboration conundrum?

Links of the Week: June 10, 2021: Where Will You Work?

Has fear of an empty workplace supplanted promised org humanism and flexibility?

Co-Creation Requires a Museum Field Re-Creation

More museums are co-creating, but a deep and widespread practice will require a new org culture.

Links of the Week: June 3, 2021: Museums, Docs, and AI

Museums are reopening, but are they ready for tough questions about purpose, membership, and AI?

Can Internal Competition Make for Better Museums?

A new wave of corporate entities are functioning like internal markets. Could it work for museums?

Links of the Week: May 27, 2021: Get Back …

Museums, like many institutions, are pushing for remote workers to come back to the workplace. Why … and how?

Museum digital for the rest of us

Has org culture in museums caught up to everything that "digital" can mean?

Links of the Week: May 20, 2021: Reflections of …

A couple of people—and orgs—I follow have been in a remembering mood.

TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 4: Resources

This four-part series ends with Resources—can museums move past scarcity to abundance for their workers and orgs?

Links of the Week: May 13, 2021: Ace off Base

What does the internal turmoil at a small software company have to do with museum org culture? Read on.

TMPR for Museum Workers, Part 3: People

A four-part series continues with the place of people in the museum field. It's not as obvious as you think.

Links of the Week: May 6, 2021: Hybrid Theory

It's time to tackle hybrid work in museums. At least museums are skilled at quick problem solving, right?