Robert J Weisberg
I work on a bit of everything in museum content. I find human solutions to tech problems. I geek out on workflow. No, really. I learn and teach and write everything down.
Automation and Museum Work, Part I: The Search
Automation in museum work is a search—but are we looking for efficiency or humanity?
Links of the Week: August 5, 2021: Bubble Bath
Times of uncertainty breed bubbles from greed and desperation. What do these mean for museums?
What Is "Org Culture" in Museums, Anyway?
Defining organizational culture in cultural organizations can be difficult, which is both its challenge and its potential.
Links of the Week: July 29, 2021: Time is it After Us
The unequal distribution of time is a museum-field tragedy
Introverts and Extroverts in Museum Work
Is a museum workplace possible which benefits introverts, extroverts, and everyone who's both and in between?
Links of the Week: July 22, 2021: Tech Race to Space
Are museum workers really waiting on spacefaring tech billionaires to save us?
Museum Work in an Age of Anxiety
Are museums and workers ready to confront existential threats to their very existence?
Links of the Week: July 15, 2021: Paradoxes All the Way Down
Museums are adopting an attitude of relentless cautious optimism to mask uncertainty and paradox.
The NFT Conundrum for Museums
Can museums resist the latest get-rich-quick-(by-making-others-poor) scheme?
Links of the Week: July 8, 2021: The Race Still to Run
Are museums really treating racism in the field as a problem requiring transformation?
What Kind of Museum Leaders Do We Want?
Do museums need different leaders or different ideas about museum leadership?
Links of the Week: July 1, 2021: Fear Itself
What about remote work has museum leaders so afraid?
The End of the Museum Worker Silent Majority?
The return-to-workplace push may finally expose the cost of worker silence in museums.
Links of the Week: June 24, 2021: After Juneteenth
Museums' belief in an unchangeable model is blocking the hard work of addressing institutional racism.
Agency and Autonomy in Museums
Autonomy and agency are the internal and external forms of self-actualization that all museum workers need.