Robert J Weisberg
I work on a bit of everything in museum content. I find human solutions to tech problems. I geek out on workflow. No, really. I learn and teach and write everything down.
The Trouble with Defining "Digital Transformation" in Museums
Everyone talks about digital transformation, but no one can define it.
Links of the Week: April 15, 2022: Elite Is As Elite Does
How elite is the museum field, anyway?
Measuring the Unmeasurable in Museum Work
Worker feelings may be impossible to measure, and that's a good thing
Links of the Week: April 8, 2022: The Collaboratorium
Workers have been told that they need to collaborate better. But is that missing the point?
Museum Human's First Quarter 2022 Review
How has the first quarter of 2022 gone according to plan for Museum Human?
Links of the Week: April 1, 2022: The Center Cannot Hold
Organizations are too often centered on leaders. How can museums shift to centering the humanity of everyone?
Transforming Workplace Time in Museums
Museum leaders have been reacting to crises. What if museum workers just started transforming their time?
The "Cultural Translation" Burden in Museum Work
Is the fine art of cultural translation another organizational trap for museum workers?
Links of the Week: March 18, 2022: Stay NiFTy
Warnings about NFTs can't keep pace with the buzz to join in. What should museums do?
We Ignore the Museum Busyness Elephant at Our Peril
Museum workloads are undermining the entire remote/return discussion and so much more.
Links of the Week: March 11, 2022: Bury the Lead
Leadership is always considered top-and-center. It should be everywhere.
The Remote vs Back-to-Office Argument is Getting Personal
The disagreement between remoters and returners is turning nasty. Will museum workers get caught in the middle?