Robert J Weisberg
I work on a bit of everything in museum content. I find human solutions to tech problems. I geek out on workflow. No, really. I learn and teach and write everything down.
The People of Museum Tech Tell Their Stories
The history of museum technology is made up of many stories—two museum pros let museum workers tell them.
Links of the Week: September 16, 2022: The Museum Multiverse
Tech isn't helping museums' problems with alternate realities.
Links of the Week: September 9, 2022: Digital and the Museum
The digital revolution only papered over workplace problems.
September Opener: What Does Digital Mean to Museums?
Museums' issues with digital and technology reflect a greater struggle for identity and meaning.
Links of the Week: August 31, 2022: The System
Considering their educational pedigrees, museum workers aren't used to thinking of their institutions as systems.
Links of the Week: August 26, 2022: More on the Long View
Taking a long view without centering humanity is no view at all.
Links of the Week: August 12, 2022: The Fairness Spin
Are efforts to make museums fairer workplaces—including with DEAI—just going in circles?
Links of the Week: August 5, 2022: Just Eff It?
The dividing line between "just eff it" and "no effing way" has shifted, and museum workers have taken note.
Links of the Week: July 29, 2022: Going Deep
When a story is ending, what needs to change—the story or the storytellers?
Links of the Week: July 22, 2022: What Vibrations?
Some leaders think the Great Resignation is caused by bad vibes. It's more than that.
Links of the Week: July 15, 2022: (Northern) Summer Grab Bag
Here are some links on mission creep, DEIA, crypto, and burnout.
Links of the Week: June 24, 2022: The Commons
Strategy and democracy are all part of the debate over the museum commons.
The Dawn of a New Org Culture?
More thoughts about The Dawn of Everything and lessons it holds for museum org culture