In 2017 I had the pleasure of working with the amazing Seema Rao of Brilliant Idea Studio, whose writing about museums and visitors has been great and whose writing about museums and their workers leads the field. We had decided to present together at the Museum Computer Network (MCN) 2017 annual conference about how to deal with changing workplaces, but in light of the upheavels in society, technology, politics, and workplaces, just writing about "change" seemed to sell the topic short.
So we came up with a new thesis: that one could change themselves, or deal with change themselves, but to really work with change, and turn it into something that helps the world (starting with our workplaces), we need others. And the idea of thriving under change conditions was born.
The conference took place in November 2017 and the book was finished in April 2018. It's on sale here. Seema did the illustrations—as she does in all her books on self-care and resistance.